Are your insurance needs exactly the same as the family next door? Probably not. Insurance has become one of life’s necessities and everyone’s insurance needs are different and changing. Norton & Rain, Inc is an independent insurance agency. This means we represent many insurance companies, not just one. This gives us the flexibility to shop and compare, allowing us to design an insurance plan that is just right for you. Because we are insurance brokers, we represent you, our customer. Together we will determine which insurance company and coverage is right for you and your family.
Norton & Rain, Inc represents a complete line of insurance companies to cover all of your insurance needs. Through these companies we can offer:
Insurance Products Offered Personal Homeowners/Renters insurance Auto insurance Life insurance Health Insurance (Individual & Group)
Business Business Owners Insurance Professional Liability Commercial Property Insurance Commercial Automobile Insurance
Other Recreational Vehicle Insurance Watercraft Insurance Workers Compensation/Bonds Personal & Commercial Umbrellas